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We are committed to delivering the highest quality products, ensuring that we only use premium materials and carefully controlling for quality during production. Without these measures, our mirrors wouldn’t be able to provide the correct optics or durability over time and wouldn’t be fit for consumers. When opportunists duplicate our branding to sell inferior quality non-reversing mirrors, both the reputation of our brand and consumers are hurt. Therefore, we take counterfeiting seriously and will seek the termination of accounts and/or bring legal actions as necessary to ensure the integrity of our products.

We thank our customers for their loyalty and assistance in tracking down unauthorized products.

Consumer Warning

Oasis Labs, makers of Realme Optics products, cannot guarantee the safety, authenticity or quality of products purchased anywhere outside of our websites (this website and our localized South Korean website), our official Amazon store or the DDP Design Store.

Read more about how Realme Mirrors are made with premium materials and carefully controlled for quality.

Designing Precision

Report Counterfeit Products

If you see counterfeit Realme Optics products for sale outside of the authorized channels, consider reporting it to us at Please provide the following information in your report:




WEBSITE where you found the unauthorized product

ADDRESS where you found the unauthorized product




PRODUCT (Realme Essential, Realme Pro or Realme V)

As well as PHOTOS or VIDEOS (JPG, PNG, MP4, MOV) of the counterfeit product